November 19, 2023
101 Rock Lititz Blvd, Lititz, PA 17543
Time: Noon-6PM
Venue: Mickey’s Black Box
Zipcode: 17543
State: PA

About the event

The 26th Annual Pennsylvania Drum Show is moving to Lancaster! Drums Etc is the new event organizer as Jack Lawton (Lawton Drum Company) who ran the show for 25 years steps down from the role. This year’s show is located at the venue Mickey’s Black Box on the ROCK LITITZ campus where the world’s biggest artists construct their stages/lighting/sound reinforcement before going on tour. This show will feature vendors from all over the East coast displaying collections, introducing inventions, and selling drums and drum related accessories. These shows attract drum enthusiasts and feature an assortment of rare vintage pieces. In addition to shopping and viewing the booths, drummers are encouraged to bring their own equipment to sell in the consignment section. Follow Drums Etc on social media and visit this page for more details as they are released!


WAVE 2 of information just dropped for the 26th Annual Pennsylvania Drum Show! We are extremely grateful for the opportunity to supercharge this event with these exciting new announcements!

🤘- We’ve expanded into the balcony for the Pat Petrillo Drum Clinic at 5:00! Included with the $5 Entry Fee!
🍻- Mickey’s Black Box (Event Venue) will have the drinks and concessions open and available for purchase at the event!
🪘- Ed Haggard will be leading an all ages, all experience, all welcome Drum Circle Out Front at 2:00!
💥- Bumbada womens drumming group will be performing at 3:00!
Drums Etc, along with our partners in the industry will be giving away tons of gear as door prizes! Included with entry fee!